Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ender's Game Controversy

So there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the "Ender's Game" movie. I feel the need to address it. Here is a little bit of the back story, the author of the novel, Orson Scott Card, has been very outspoken about his stance against same-sex marriage and as a result their have been boycott threats from the supporters of same-sex marriage.

As someone who has read the novel, I feel that the author's views should not hinder the movie, to me that's like punishing the child for the parent's mistakes. There are tons of other people who are apart of this film: the actors, the crew, the writers...etc who spent a lot of time working on this and should not be punished because of one person's views. The novel Ender's Game does question some moral and social issues, but it does not have any anti-gay sentiments in it. It is just a great novel. I have been looking at some interviews with the actors and Lionsgate and it seems that both are trying to distance themselves from the controversy. On the flip side, I understand that the supporters of same sex marriage do not want to do anything that will profit Card and seeing this movie will do just that, but that is a personal decision. I guess no matter what I won't hurt others to punish someone else.




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